Here's to a very simple and unassuming start, with an overly simplified version of the 'Lift Where you Stand' stream. As a preamble, I had months strung together of consistency with my workouts and listening to scriptures and then ended up sick for over a week and it's been a real chore bouncing back into what I had been doing so well. Part of the challenge is I have factors keeping me up late (kids not going to bed, and learning to be a better parent) leaving me without sufficient sleep to wake up early enough to do all the things I had been doing and I haven't felt like I could risk getting up earlier anyway and losing out on sleep leaving me sick again. So I've simplified down and will build back up. For now I'm simply setting a two minute timer and doing one exercise per day within that two-minutes, taking rest every so often to try to keep some consistency up instead of just dong one set to failure and not having enough rest to get more than a small cluster of extra reps scattered in.
I opted to have my exercise for today be pull-ups and it was a rude awakening. After just a month ago successfully doing sets of 10 in my workouts, I thought that doing 5's and resting would work to get me through my two-minutes. I was wrong. I did one set of 5, rested 10 seconds or so and thought I had another 5 easy - I had three and then it was a struggle to get one or two here and there until time was up. I think next time I'll aim for three pull-ups and see if I can't hit that well and build up.
Following my 2-minute exercise stint, I turned on the Book of Mormon to listen while I unloaded the dishwasher. I was in Alma 15 and 16 listening at first to how Zeezrom was sick over his dealings with Alma and Amulek who he sent for when he learned they were alive and they came to him. It was great to see the change that came about in him and how he went from being such an opponent to a strong believer.
Have a super day!
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